Thursday 15 January 2009

Thriller Opening Analysis

I did the R2-49 video, but i'm not sure how to do a link, so i'll just talk about it.

For the construction of the video, i would give it a total of 45 marks out of 60. The titles were well done. The only thing i didn't understand with the titles was the name of the film itself, but once i read through the blog, i understood that the film was called 3nigma. The soundtrack was good, it kept my attention thoughout.
The sequence also did well to build up the suspense. It made me want to carry on watching the rest of the film as well. What also worked well is that you weren't sure what to expect. One minute, it seemed like a torture flick, but the next, it seemed to be something completely different. It has a good sense of mystery about it.
There were only a few things that i found, which weren't really up to scratch. The scenes seemed quite jumpy, the camerawork was also shaky. I'm not sure if that's what they intended because there was no indication of it in their planning. I also felt that there was no sense of characters in this. You aren't sure who the characters are. Also, the name of the film was introduced at the end of the sequence, not at the middle, which meant that it looked more like a trailer or a flashback sequence than what it did as a film opening sequence.

For the research and planning on the blog, i would give them 10 out of 20. There were only a few posts on the blog, and for a group of 3 or 4 members, that isn't a significant amount of blog posts. I felt that the planning for the sequence was good, explaining everything that they wanted to achieve. It featured the title design and prop list. But it could've gone into further details, like step by step planning of what they were hoping to achieve.
There was also no research to go with the planning. There was a blog post defining a thriller and all of the different types of conventions you get with a thriller, but that was it. There was no analysis of any other film openings, which should've been there. But i do like the way they explained how they chose the title for the sequence.

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