Sunday 12 April 2009

question 4 part 2

1) What kind of "genre" do you think this film belongs to? Why?

- A youth drama because it is a dramatic story about youth
- Possibly action because of the violence at the start

2) Who do you think the "target audience" of this film would be? Why?

-People who are in school/college because there is a shot of a school student talking to the viewer and says "I used to be just like you"
- Men

3) What is your favorite image from this film? Why?

-The black and white shots of the student walking down the corridor. They look professional and add effect
- The bit with the gun

4) If you were to borrow one idea from this film for your own film-making project, what would it be & why?

- The way that the titles come up in between the clips with the music playing over the top
- The voice over

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